Was Your Loved One’s Untimely Death Preventable?

Wrongful death is a legal remedy for grieving families whose loved one died because of the negligence or recklessness of another person or entity. Pursuing legal action may be the last thing on your mind as you cope with the devastating loss, but it is important to act sooner than later.

The skilled and compassionate legal team at Deadwyler-Heuman Law Firm, LLC, will take care of everything. We will investigate and file suit against the responsible parties. We will deal with insurance companies or corporate defendants. We will pursue fair and rightful compensation for the financial hardships and tangible impact on the lives of the survivors.

Do you have a case? We practice in Bibb County and surrounding Central Georgia. If you believe you have grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit, call our Macon law office today at 478-216-6233 for a free consultation.

What Constitutes A Wrongful Death?

A wrongful death is a preventable death. A wrongful death action asserts that the death was caused by someone’s careless, reckless or intentional acts or professional negligence. You might have grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit against:

  • A doctor, surgeon or hospital whose medical malpractice resulted in death
  • A drunk or distracted driver who caused a fatal crash
  • A trucking company that kept a fatigued trucker on the road against regulations
  • A nursing home whose substandard medical care or abject neglect led to death
  • A person who recklessly discharged a firearm and killed someone
  • Other negligence resulting in a fatality

A wrongful death action can compensate the surviving family members for medical bills and funeral expenses, loss of the person’s income and household contributions, loss of marital consortium and loss of the person’s love, advice, companionship, support and parenting duties.

We Are Invested In Seeking Justice For You

Ashley Deadwyler-Heuman is a veteran trial lawyer who has practiced law in Georgia for more than 13 years. Her interest in wrongful death litigation grew out of tragic personal experiences involving members of her own family. We devote the resources of this firm to identifying the negligence or medical mistake and the causal connection to your loved one’s premature death. We work with professionals such as economists to document and calculate appropriate damages. We use our negotiating experience and courtroom skills to pursue a monetary recovery that reflects the family’s losses.

If you suspect your loved one’s death was caused by medical negligence, careless driving or other preventable negligence we invite you to arrange a free initial consultation. If we take your case, there are no attorney fees unless we obtain a recovery. Call 478-216-6233 or contact us online. Hablamos español.